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People Discuss the Weird And Crazy Things They’ve Ever Done for Money
Maybe some people just enjoy doing weird stuff for money? Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Who knows? People out there do all kinds of strange things for money. Hey, as the saying goes, money talk, right? Let's check out these stories from folks on AskReddit who admitted they did weird stuff for some cash. 1. I can do that! "Italian man came up to me on holiday in a town near Naples, he asked me to go talk to these 2 Americans he gave me 10 euros to buys them a couple of beers and talk about whatever....Published: December 7, 2023 - 3:20 amWhat Weird Flex Are You Proud Of? Here’s What People Had to Say.
A weird flex is better than no flex at all. Am I right, or am I right? I think I'm right! And the AskReddit users that you're about to hear from are proud of their weird flexes, as they should be. Take a look and see what you think! Good for you! "All I've ever wanted was my own apartment, girlfriend, dog, and enough money to not stress out over bills and the occasional luxury. As of yesterday, I finally have all three." Motley Crue! "I can play Dr. Feelgood front to back on guitar pretty much note for note....Published: July 26, 2023 - 1:11 pmWhat Do You Think Is the Best Psychological Thriller Movie? Here’s What People Said.
I love a good psychological thriller! What's not to love? Intrigue, mystery, action, they usually have them all! So get ready to add these recommendations from AskReddit users to your watchlist! A classic. "No Country For Old Men I felt like I was being relentlessly hunted the entire movie. Could not relax. Amazing when a movie can make you feel that way." Go in without knowing anything. "I watched the Denis Villenueve movie Prisoners with Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal the other night and good lord it was such a good watch. I highly recommend it and don't look anything...Published: July 24, 2023 - 1:11 amWhat Do Most People Not Realize Is Dangerous? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.
The more you know, right? That should be everyone's motto for life because knowledge is power! And today we're all going to get some life lessons from AskReddit users about things that most people don't realize are dangerous. Pay attention and see what they had to say because you never know when you might need this info. Drives me nuts. "I think people frequently drive WAY too close to the car in front of them. Growing up, I was always taught "a car lengths distance for every 10 mph." and while it seems crazy, that simple rule of driving has...Published: July 21, 2023 - 9:11 pmWhat Insult Did Your Parents Say to You That Still Sticks in Your Head? People Shared Their Stories.
People never forget some things... Especially when they hear bad things from their parents when they're growing up. And today we're going to hear from AskRedddit users about insults they heard from their parents that still stick with them. Take a look at what they had to say. Now you know why... "“You’re so annoying.” Said to me as a young kid while I was expressing enthusiasm over some new interest. Later my father complains I never tell him anything." Thanks, Mom. "My little brother was drowning, I tried to save him but also almost drowned, we got rescued by...Published: July 19, 2023 - 1:11 pmPeople Share Stories About the Worst Things Doctors Ever Said to Them
I visited a doctor once who shall remain nameless and my experience was so bad that all I could say to myself was, "How the hell did this guy ever get a medical license?" Ugh! And, judging by these unpleasant stories from AskReddit users, I guess I'm not alone! Check out their stories and see what you think. That's bad. "That I have genital warts, proceeded to freeze them off, and sent me on my way. I went to my family doctor and she told me I did NOT have genital warts, and was very confused by the other doctor’s...Published: July 17, 2023 - 12:24 pmHe Rented a Goat to Take Care of His Lawn. Is He Wrong?
Hey, I like this idea! Why not rent a goat to take care of your lawn when you're not in the mood to cut that thing? But apparently, this guy took some heat for his stroke of genius... So did he act like an a**hole? Check out his story below and see what you think. AITA for renting a goat? "So I (30M) h**e cutting grass. H**e it, h**e it, h**e it. The sound of the lawn mower makes me wish I could take my ears off like Mr. Potato head and lock them in a box. It hurts my...Published: July 15, 2023 - 4:08 pmWoman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Bailing Out on Her Girls Trip
Things have to be pretty bad if you're already ON YOUR WAY to the airport for a trip with your friends and you decide to turn around and go home. So what happened with this woman that caused her to make this decision? Read her story below to get all the details and see if you think she acted like a jerk. Start now! AITA for turning around and going home on my way to the airport for a girls trip? "I (23F) was supposed to go on a girls weekend trip to Spain with my long time friend of...Published: July 14, 2023 - 4:08 pmShe Made Her Girlfriend Cheap Lasagna. Is She a Jerk?
You have the nerve to make the cheap stuff?!?! What were you thinking?!?! Yes, folks, that's what we're dealing with here... So is this woman an a**hole for making her girlfriend cheap lasagna? Check out her story and see what you think. AITA for making my girlfriend cheap lasagna ? "I (24F) make a delicious lasagna from scratch that takes hours and lots of money to make. It's so good that friends and family ask me to make it for them for birthdays instead of getting them a gift. Last month I decided to make it for my girlfriend (23F);...Published: July 13, 2023 - 10:03 pmShe Won’t Pay For Her Son’s Wedding if She Can’t Invite Some Family Members. Did She Go Too Far?
Laying down an ultimatum, are we? Well, it sure sounds like it! But there's more to the story here, friends. This woman told her son that she wouldn't pay for his wedding if she wasn't allowed to invite certain family members. Did she go too far? Read on to get all the details and see what you think. AITA for telling my son and his fiancee I won't pay for the wedding if I can't invite some family members? "I 54f have 3 kids, the one pertaining to this post is 26m we'll call him Caleb. Caleb has been with...Published: July 12, 2023 - 12:12 pm
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