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  • The Remarkable Life Of Ibelin Review - The Real Warcraft Movie
    The Remarkable Life of Ibelin isn't the first Warcraft film, but it is definitely the best one. Duncan Jones's big-budget Warcraft from 2016 focused on the "main" characters of developer Blizzard's long-running sword-and-sorcery universe. This new Netflix documentary from director Benjamin Ree, released a month prior to World of Warcraft's 20th anniversary, instead puts its focus on WoW's actual protagonists: the players who call Azeroth home. Specifically, it tells the story of Mats "Ibelin" Steen, and in the process paints an incredible portrait of a digital life, one that drives home a core message of how online friends and relationships...
  • Uzumaki Anime Review - Junji Ito Adaptation Adds Intensity As It Spirals
    Among all of Junji Ito's vast body of horror manga work, Uzumaki manages to be the most unsettling. Many of his stories concern elements of building dread, encroaching madness, and beautifully off-putting body horror, but few combine all three to the same effect as Uzumaki, where the concept of a spiral pattern infects and mutates the inhabitants of a small town in myriad awful ways.Adult Swim's anime adaptation of Uzumaki focuses on that unsettling feeling in its premiere episode, which was provided for review by Adult Swim. This introduction, for the most part, succeeds in bringing what makes Uzumaki so...
  • Agatha All Along Review - A Great Start For This Witchy Journey
    In early 2021, the Marvel Cinematic Universe kicked off its post-Endgame era with WandaVision, a series that started out amusing and became less so as it descended into incoherence the way almost every MCU show has since. And now the main baddie from WandaVision, the witch Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn), is back with her own little quest--and so far, through the four episodes that were screened for critics, it's one of the more entertaining and well-told stories in recent MCU memory.Agatha All Along begins with Agatha still trapped in some sort of residual illusion in Westview--she's a police detective who's...
  • The Penguin Review - Gotham City Thrives Outside Of The Batman
    When it was first announced that Colin Farrell would reprise his role as Oswald Cobblepot from 2022's The Batman in a streaming series, it was a scary proposition. After all, we've seen what happens when a popular superhero movie franchise continues its story on TV. We all saw how Marvel's Agents of SHIELD was not in any way a proper extension of the MCU. And don't even get us started about Inhumans. HBO's The Penguin, though, is almost an exact opposite of those shows, with a stellar cast and story that feel as though they were ripped directly from the...
  • Terminator Zero Review - An Uneven, Engaging Return To Form
    The Terminator franchise has become synonymous with mediocrity. Outside of a few notable exceptions, it's composed of multiple bad films and an unfinished television show. Even Terminator: Dark Fate, though decent enough, failed to match the grimy, cyberpunk vibe of the original or the action-packed moments of T2: Judgment Day. So, it should come to no surprise that our expectations for Netflix's Terminator Zero--another potentially lackluster iteration of a once-popular franchise--weren't exactly high. As it turns out, this solid animated series not only respects the franchise's legacy but also offers up a unique take on its established lore.Despite being set...
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