

    ScienceDaily - Source For Latest Research News

  • As next hurricane season nears, study explores impacts of 2024's storms
    When major storms hit Houston last spring and summer, losing power was a nightmare for residents, but for many, the financial fallout was just as devastating. A new report finds that more than half of Houston-area workers lost income due to these storms, either because they couldn't get to work or their jobs were forced to close....
  • Researchers develop method to identify dormant cells that carry HIV
    Study findings provide a new gene pathway for potential treatment of the virus affecting millions....
  • Chocolate -- with potential health benefits
    Many people will soon load up Easter baskets with chocolate candy for children and adults to enjoy. On its own, dark chocolate has health benefits, such as antioxidants that neutralize damaging free radicals. And a new report suggests that packing the sweet treat with pre- and probiotics could make it more healthful. Flavoring agents, however, can affect many properties, including moisture level and protein content of the chocolate product....
  • US bird populations continue alarming decline
    The 2025 U. S. State of the Birds Report, produced by a coalition of leading science and conservation organizations, reveals continued widespread declines in American bird populations across all mainland and marine habitats, with 229 species requiring urgent conservation action....
  • Dozens of 3-toed dinosaurs leave their mark in Australia
    A researcher has confirmed a boulder at a regional school contains one of the highest concentrations of dinosaur footprints per square meter ever documented in Australia....
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